What does it take for you?

A message from George put into words by Petra Webstein:
“I am just pacing. I am worried about something and to help releasing that tension within me, I need to pace and run! Don’t try to stop or manipulate me, so you can feel better! I am out of here, get out of my way.
Look deep within yourself and find what I am showing to you now. It is my job to help you find mastery of yourself. I will always bring you back to yourself. If your response does not come from the true authentic you but as an attempt to fix a situation, you will not have my ultimate respect and love.
Unless you truly understand this and you are the master of yourself, I can not follow your lead or guidance. I do not succumb to manipulation or bribery. I might play the game with you but you feel within you that you have lost. I am free and never will be harnessed.
However, if you can feel the resonance within you and as a true master can command your own energies within you to serve you, I will happily follow suit!
It only takes awareness, acceptance, clarity and a clear choice. It can only be done within you, my dear master, and I am happy to fall in line with your energy!”
You find a little excerpt of this in the blog “Take a deep breath“.