Recommended Potency: D12


The Schuessler Salt No. 3, Ferrum phosphoricum (Iron Phosphate), is used for first aid and at the onset of illnesses. According to the teachings of Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, Schuessler Salt No. 3, Ferrum phosphoricum, binds oxygen in the red blood cells. This is facilitating the transport of oxygen to the cells, making it an important transporter in the body.

Ferrum phosphoricum is significant for the body’s energy metabolism. According to the theory, it is also a suitable remedy for diseases in the first stage.

Practitioners often use Schuessler Salt No. 3, Ferrum phosphoricum D12, for first aid purposes – among other things, as a pain and inflammation remedy, for wound healing, and to stop bleeding. In these cases, the mineral acts as a supportive and helpful agent.

Ferrum phosphoricum No. 3 assists horses in coping with their tasks and demanding performances. The mineral substance indicates the necessary rest periods, as excessive consumption would otherwise result. Ferrum phosphoricum is the metabolism agent par excellence and the regulator for iron balance. Iron, as a functional and structural material, can only be absorbed slowly. Ferrum phosphoricum stimulates metabolism and basal metabolic rate and is generally a transporter. Consequently, it is of paramount importance for the quality of blood transport. Ferrum phosphoricum boosts the immune system and can therefore be administered preventively during periods when the horse’s health is particularly strained. It aids in inflammations and is well-suited as a first aid remedy for all injuries and pains.

In the body, Ferrum phosphoricum is bound to hemoglobin, the blood pigment of red blood cells (erythrocytes), which is responsible for transporting oxygen to the cells. Hemoglobin is a complex protein molecule with loosely bound iron ions. This type of binding enables the iron ions to bind oxygen ions. Through blood transport (arterial blood), oxygen (O2) is delivered to the cells and released there.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is bound by the liberated iron ions (venous blood) and excreted (exhaled). The erythrocytes are charged by negative ions in the air. Similarly charged cells repel each other. This distance between the blood cells is responsible, among other things, for preventing them from sticking together.

The phosphoric acid iron in the preparation according to Dr. Schüßler regulates the iron balance and ensures that it can be absorbed and incorporated into the body.

Ferrum phosphoricum is the remedy for low-grade fever up to 38.8°C and is therefore an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune field. When the organism has to deal with invading stressors or bacteria, inflammation occurs, which can be locally confined or affect the entire organism. This initial stage in the course of an illness can be favourably influenced by Ferrum phosphoricum.

If injuries, sprains, dislocations, or impact cause severe pain, the energy balance is significantly disturbed. Here, too, Ferrum phosphoricum can provide surprisingly quick relief, especially through external application.

Ferrum phosphoricum for the immune system and oxygen supply

Taken preventively, Schüßler Salt No. 3, Ferrum phosphoricum, is said to support the immune system and concentration. Additionally, according to Schüßler’s teachings, it is used to prevent or alleviate hay fever.

For weakened or physically active individuals, Ferrum phosphoricum D12 is considered an important remedy that contributes to improving oxygen supply.

During particular strains, such as exposure to cold in winter, a significant amount of iron is often consumed, leading to iron deficiency. In such cases, the body may resort to emergency measures, increasing temperature and metabolic rate, resulting in fever. Schüßler Salt No. 3 helps replenish the depleted stores.

The body stores Ferrum phosphoricum inside the base of the nose.

Mode of Action

Ferrum phosphoricum works quickly. However, if there is a pronounced deficiency, it may take a long time for it to be corrected and for the symptoms of the deficiency to diminish. In such cases, a correspondingly long-term supply of Ferrum phosphoricum No. 3 is essential.

External treatment with Ferrum phosphoricum No. 3 is very effective and often recommended.

Signs of Deficiency and Functional Disorders

Signs of deficiency include low resistance, susceptibility to inflammation, rapid fatigue, and lack of concentration. Ferrum phosphoricum No. 3 is the remedy for first aid!

Operational disturbances include injuries, pains (accompanied by heat and worsened with movement), incipient inflammatory processes, and fresh wounds, as well as infectious diseases in the initial stages. Inflammations, low-grade fever (up to 38.8°C), angina, ear problems and otitis media, lack of concentration, diarrhea, constipation.

Taken preventively, Ferrum phosphoricum No. 3 particularly strengthens the body’s resistance (e.g., against colds).

Schüßler Salt Deficiency and Psychological Causes (human)

Ferrum phosphoricum also appears to have an effect on the psyche. According to Dr. Schüßler’s theory, excessive consumption of Ferrum phosphoricum, leading to deficiency, is favored by certain compulsive character structures.

For instance, the constant urge to engage with everything and everyone depletes the reserves of Ferrum phosphoricum. Similarly, a persistent and inappropriate defensive attitude towards the seemingly problematic and resistant world also depletes this salt from the body.

Those who are frequently stubborn and try to impose their views or pace on others allegedly lose a significant amount of Ferrum phosphoricum. Schüßler Salt No. 3 is said to stimulate the body to absorb and store more Ferrum phosphoricum.

On the other hand, individuals who manage to calmly engage with the world and allow others to proceed at their own pace are believed to reduce their consumption of Ferrum phosphoricum.

However, it’s important not to automatically attribute certain deficiency signs to problematic character traits.

It’s also incorrect to believe that taking a mineral salt simply “cures” compulsive behavior. Instead, the administration of the salt for which there is a possible deficiency is intended to facilitate individuals’ work on their compulsions and problems by resolving internal blockages and restoring biochemical balance.

Signs of deficiency that show in the face (human)

If there’s a deficiency of Ferrum phosphoricum, the experienced therapist should be able to recognize the signs already in the face. The following changes are said to be indicators of a deficit that Schüßler Salt No. 3 should address:

  • Bluish to blackish coloring of the nasal root inside (in the area of the inner corners of the eyes)
  • Patchy facial redness, especially on the ears, cheeks, and forehead

From Equine Practice

Case Study 1 – Laminitis

A 17-year-old stallion, presented the following complaints to the mineral consultant: Upon arrival, the horse is not rideable and does not move without strong pressure. It takes the animal 45 minutes to cover a distance of 20 meters.

Complaints (Operational disturbances): Roach back, laminitis

Recommended measures (internal/external): Hoof correction according to Strasser, supplementation of oats (increased from 20 g to 800 g). The following mineral mixture was recommended:

  • Calcium fluoratum No. 1 (initially 18, then 10 tablets/day)
  • Calcium phosphoricum No. 2 (initially 18, then 10 tablets/day)
  • Ferrum phosphoricum No. 3 (initially 50, then 10 tablets/day)
  • Kalium chloratum No. 4 (10 tablets/day)
  • Kalium phosphoricum No. 5 (10 tablets/day)
  • Kalium sulfuricum No. 6 (10 tablets/day)
  • Magnesium phosphoricum No. 7 (10 tablets/day)
  • Natrium chloratum No. 8 (10 tablets/day)
  • Natrium phosphoricum No. 9 (10 tablets/day)
  • Natrium sulfuricum No. 10 (10 tablets/day)
  • Silicea No. 11 (initially 18, then 10 tablets/day)
  • Calcium sulfuricum No. 12 (10 tablets/day)

Reactions and Progress:

  • Week 1: The horse mostly stands.
  • Week 2: The horse moves laboriously.
  • Week 3: The horse moves without effort.
  • Week 4: The horse moves in all gaits.

Result: The horse is rideable again, and there is no more laminitis.

Case study 2

A young gelding was supposed to be slaughtered because half of the hoof wall (front left) had broken off after a severe accident and even orthopaedic shoes did not produce satisfactory results.

Recommended measures (internal/external): Remove iron, keep the horse in an open stable, do minimal work for 1 year, do not ride. The following mineral mixture was recommended:

  • Calcium fluoratum No. 1 (16 tablets/day)
  • Calcium phosphoricum No. 2 (16 tablets/day)
  • Ferrum phosphoricum No. 3 (initially 50, later 20 tablets/day)
  • Kalium phosphoricum No. 5 (16 tablets/day)
  • Natrium chloratum No. 8 (16 tablets/day)
  • Silicea No. 11 (16 tablets/day)
  • Calcium sulfuricum No. 12 (8 tablets/day)

Reactions and Progress:

After the removal of the iron, the horse does not walk at all. After one week of mineral intake (half the amount in the morning and evening with the feed), the horse limps over the terrain. A hoof correction according to Dr. Strasser is performed. Several months later, the horse walks short distances in the terrain as a hand horse, and eventually becomes rideable again.

The therapy with minerals continues unchanged. Result: All hooves look good, the accident hoof is no longer recognisable.

Application of Ferrum phosphoricum

Iron phosphate as a Schüßler Salt is applied both internally and externally.

Internal Application of Ferrum phosphoricum

The typical potency of Schüßler Salt No. 3 is D12. D3 and D6 are also commonly used.

The dosage of Ferrum phosphoricum, i.e., how many tablets are taken per day, depends on the severity of the iron deficiency. It’s best to consult a pharmacist or therapist experienced with Schüßler Salts for advice on this.

External Application of Ferrum phosphoricum

The application of Schüßler Salt No. 3 in the form of ointments is believed to help with conditions such as joint inflammation, wounds, abrasions or cuts, bruises, sprains, and insect bites.

If treatment with Ferrum phosphoricum ointment for conditions like joint inflammation or burns does not yield results, a supportive option is to use ointment containing Schüßler Salt No. 4 (Potassium chloratum).

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