Recommended Potency: D6


Schuessler Salt No. 5 is Potassium Phosphate, also known as Kalium Phosphoricum. According to Schuessler’s teachings, it is one of the fundamental functional remedies or base salts and is believed to play a significant role in the nervous system. Therefore, Schuessler Salt No. 5 is also referred to as the nerve or brain salt.

Schuessler Salt No. 5 for Stress, Exhaustion, and Concentration Weakness

The Schuessler Salt No. 5, Kalium phosphoricum, is often used for stress, anxiety, and depressive moods. Schuessler Salt No. 5 is said to strengthen the energy balance and improve performance in daily life.

Additionally, it is used as a supportive antiseptic for treating pathogens, particularly in cases of fever over 38.5 degrees Celsius. However, high fever can be a sign of a serious illness. Therefore, it should be evaluated by a conventional medical practitioner, and Schuessler Salt No. 5 Kalium phosphoricum should only be used as a supportive treatment.

Schuessler Salt No. 5 Against Cell Decay

Together with Schuessler Salt No. 8 Sodium Chloride, Schuessler Salt No. 5 is supposed to build up body tissue and prevent its decay. According to Dr. Schuessler, when there is a high demand for Kalium phosphoricum, the mineral is extracted from the tissue. For the body to access the necessary molecules of Kalium phosphoricum, the tissue must be broken down.

According to Schuessler, the decomposition products are usually excreted with an unpleasant odour through urine, faeces, breath, or sweat. The decomposition process can be accompanied by high fever and paralysis symptoms. Schuessler Salt No. 5 and Schuessler Salt No. 8 may potentially prevent tissue decay and thus also high fever – at least according to the theory.

Kalium phosphoricum No. 5, in cooperation with Natrium chloratum No. 8 builds tissues. It provides the organism with the ability to generate new cells. In the muscle area, it helps regulate the demanding metabolism and prevent exhaustion and muscle wasting.

This mineral is the antiseptic in the body. It renders certain toxic substances harmless by binding with them. Kalium phosphoricum is also indicated in diseases where putrefaction occurs.

It is the remedy appropriate for high fever, as it helps the organism cope with the ingested toxic substances.

When the body is weakened after a severe illness, Kalium phosphoricum, in cooperation with No. 8 – Natrium chloratum, is necessary to perform the necessary regeneration work.

Kalium phosphoricum is the fuel for the essential lecithin, which is present in the body in blood plasma, erythrocytes (red blood cells), and other organs. Kalium phosphoricum is also fuel for the formation of phospholipids (lecithin) and is thus involved in the formation of the cellular biomembrane.

Kalium phosphoricum No. 5 is an energy carrier, so excessive exhaustion of the organism can result in an extreme deficiency with corresponding consequences as a malfunction.

If a horse is overstimulated due to fatigue, a dose of 20 tablets of Kalium phosphoricum No. 5 works excellently and contributes to relaxation or relief.

From the Horse Practice

Experiences with the Icelandic mare. After moving from Graz to Vienna, the Icelandic mare ended up in a new stable. This posed more problems than expected. She had to integrate into a new herd, which was not easy. Additionally, it was winter, and horses consume more energy during this time. For this reason, the Icelandic mare was treated with Kalium phosphoricum No. 5 and lecithin. The mare became more lively again, and she was freed from her “rut.”

At this time, the mare also had extremely deep hollows above her eyes, a sign typically seen in old horses. The deficiency sign of “sunken temples,” which corresponds to Kalium phosphoricum No. 5, can definitely be applied here. Other signs would need to be assessed. A targeted application based on the malfunctions (indications) is safer.

The Mode of Action

Kalium phosphoricum can work incredibly quickly in severe cases. However, when there is significant weakening of the organism, it must be taken for a long time to prevent relapses. The remedy has an invigorating effect, which is why it should preferably be taken in the morning. However, the course of the illness always determines when the remedy is taken.

Phosphates are extremely important for the body’s metabolism. The majority of phosphate is bound to calcium in the bones. Phosphates are generally anions of intracellular metabolism. The body’s genetic material, nucleic acids, also contain phosphate. Additionally, energy-rich storage phosphates such as adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) are particularly important for energy production within the cell. Therefore, phosphate plays a crucial role in the formation, storage, and utilisation of cellular energy.

Within the cell, blood, and connective tissue, the dihydrogen phosphate/hydrogen phosphate buffer is important for acid-base balance.

From the Horse Practice

A young mare was presented to the mineral consultant with the following complaints: horse from poor conditions, almost starved, not rideable, with bad black teeth. The animal is shaky on its legs, has sunken temples, and a sad look. The fur is dull, coarse, and very thin. The hooves are in poor condition, showing cracks.

Recommended Measures (internal/external):

Keeping in an open stable, unlimited access to hay and water, gradually increasing oats from 20g to 800g daily. The following mineral mixture was recommended:

  • Calcium fluoratum No. 1 (10 tablets/day)
  • Calcium phosphoricum No. 2 (10 tablets/day)
  • Ferrum phosphoricum No. 3 (10 tablets/day)
  • Kalium phosphoricum No. 5 (10 tablets/day)
  • Kalium sulfuricum No. 6 (10 tablets/day)
  • Magnesium phosphoricum No. 7 (10 tablets/day)
  • Natrium chloratum No. 8 (10 tablets/day)
  • Natrium phosphoricum No. 9 (10 tablets/day)
  • Natrium sulfuricum No. 10 (10 tablets/day)
  • Silicea No. 11 (10 tablets/day)
  • Calcium sulfuricum No. 12 (12 tablets/day)

Reactions and Progress:

The horse improves under therapy, gains muscle, emerges from its state of depression, and has a clearer look. After 8 weeks, the teeth are white, longer, and firmer. The animal becomes stable, and the fur becomes thicker and shinier.

Result: After 12 weeks, the horse is full of life. Fur, hooves, physique, and teeth are in good condition.


  • Alopecia areata (circular hair loss)
  • Anxiety and depression to support medical treatment
  • Cramps
  • Exhaustion (physical, emotional, and mental)
  • Heart and muscle weakness as well as paralysis to support medical treatment
  • Hyperactivity in children
  • Lack of drive
  • Low spirits
  • Nervous asthma
  • Nervous diarrhoea or constipation
  • Sleep disturbances (nervous insomnia)
  • Weakness (after exertion)

Signs of Deficiency and Functional Disorders

Given that Schuessler Salt No. 5 Kalium phosphoricum is considered an energy remedy for mental and physical performance, it is not surprising that a deficiency in this functional remedy primarily results in complaints related to nerves and muscles.

Here is an overview of some of the application areas:

  • Ash-grey skin
  • Bad breath (appearing unwashed and tired)
  • Bad breath (associated with bleeding gums and gum recession)
  • Brown tongue
  • Claustrophobia, general nervous weakness, burnout, depressive moods, sleep disturbances
  • Constant feeling of hunger after eating
  • Greyish colour around the eyes
  • Heart palpitations
  • High fever (over 38.5°C)
  • Muscle weakness, muscle paralysis, muscle atrophy
  • Nail and skin fungus
  • Periodontitis
  • Sunken temples
  • Tissue damage with unpleasant-smelling discharges

Schuessler Salt Deficiency and Psychological Causes

Kalium Phosphoricum appears to also have an effect on the psyche. Dr. Schuessler attributed compulsive character structures to the excessive consumption of mineral substances. According to him, factors such as an exaggerated approach to life, frequent overwhelm, and overly high expectations of oneself are responsible for a high consumption of Kalium phosphoricum.

When the possibilities of shaping one’s life and the lifestyles of others become overwhelming or when idealistic, unattainable ideas manifest, this can deplete one’s performance. Tearfulness, discouragement, and weakness can be emotional consequences.

According to Dr. Schuessler, those who understand and acknowledge their limits and focus on actions that are actually achievable will experience improvement.

People who need Kalium phosphoricum are often melancholic, pessimistic, and stubborn. They lack self-confidence, but most importantly, they lack mental flexibility and perseverance. They only accept changes in their current life circumstances reluctantly and doubtfully.

If success takes too long to manifest or doesn’t appear at first, they quickly revert to old, trusted methods or start something entirely new.

Kalium phosphoricum personalities tend to always look for the negative aspects of life. They thrive on worries and project this behaviour onto their immediate life circumstances. As a result, Kalium phosphoricum personalities often live in environments negatively influenced by environmental factors (electrosmog, noise, exhaust fumes).

However, it’s important not to automatically attribute problematic traits to specific deficiency signs.

It’s also incorrect to believe that taking a mineral salt simply “cures” a compulsive character. Instead, the administration of the salt for which there is a possible deficiency is intended to facilitate individuals in addressing their compulsions and problems by releasing internal blockages and restoring biochemical balance.

Signs of deficiency that show in the face

The facial analysis is an important tool according to Dr. Schuessler’s teachings to uncover deficiencies. If there is a deficiency of Kalium phosphoricum, the face may exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Ash-grey eyelids
  • Ash-grey skin on the chin, possibly also on the entire face
  • Dull shine of the eyes
  • Sunken temples

Application of Kalium phosphoricum

Potassium Phosphate (Schuessler Salt No. 5) is recommended for both internal and external use.

Internal Application of Kalium phosphoricum

For internal use, Kalium phosphoricum D6 potency is often recommended. It’s best to discuss the dosage, including the number of tablets to take per day, with an experienced therapist.

According to the Chinese organ clock, the best time for intake is in the afternoon. At this time, Kalium phosphoricum is believed to alleviate conditions such as depression and muscle weakness most effectively.

External Application of Kalium phosphoricum

A Kalium phosphoricum ointment can be used for infants with diaper rash. Additionally, the ointment is recommended as an adjunct to medical treatment for skin infections such as erysipelas (Wundrose).

For paralysis symptoms, Kalium phosphoricum D6 is often applied both as an ointment and in tablet form.

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