
According to the Schuessler method, Manganum sulfuricum promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin, the iron-containing red blood pigment in red blood cells. This way, Manganum sulfuricum is supposed to support tissue oxygenation, which is transported to every cell in our body bound to hemoglobin. Additionally, it is said to protect blood vessels from the formation of dangerous plaques on the inner walls, thereby protecting against arteriosclerosis.

Furthermore, practitioners attribute Manganum sulfuricum with effects on lipoprotein metabolism (triglycerides, cholesterol, and cholesteryl esters) as well as carbohydrate metabolism. Finally, Manganum sulfuricum is said to favor the formation of cartilage substance and protect it.

The Schüßler theory states that Manganum sulfuricum is primarily stored in the cells of organs that require a lot of energy. These include, for example, the liver, kidneys, pancreas, bone marrow, and hair. These cells are characterised by having many mitochondria, the so-called powerhouses of the cells.

Mode of Action

The Schuessler-Salz No. 17 Manganum sulfuricum is regarded as the remedy for better oxygenation in tissues. Mangansulfat is also said to have a positive effect on blood formation and circulation, helping to prevent blood vessel narrowing.

Symptoms and diseases with a deficiency in Manganum sulfuricum

According to the biochemistry of Schuessler, various symptoms and diseases can occur with a deficiency in Manganum sulfuricum, which can be balanced again by administering Manganum sulfuricum. The following complaints are listed for Schuessler Salt No. 17:

  • Weak immune system
  • Learning disorders, memory weakness due to overwork
  • Anemia
  • Depression, hyperactivity, agitation
  • Eczema, psoriasis, lupus disease
  • Dry mucous membranes, throat inflammation, excessive salivation, reddened, swollen eyes, inflamed eyelids
  • Bronchitis, chronic catarrh of the airways Inflammation of the gastric mucosa Liver problems, hepatitis
  • Cystitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc defects, bone growth disorders, osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Alcohol abuse

Athletes are often recommended Manganum sulfuricum by practitioners to enhance their physical performance.

Often, symptoms worsen in enclosed spaces, during agitation, and at night. A change in weather to wet-cold conditions is said to worsen the symptoms, while fresh air is said to improve them.

Schuessler Salt Deficiency and Psychological Causes

According to the alternative method of Schuessler, compulsive character structures can excessively deplete the body’s resources, leading to a deficiency. Administering a salt cannot simply dissolve difficult character traits. Instead, the individual – according to the theory – is supposed to be supported in working on these issues through targeted intake of the Schuessler salt.

This apparently works by releasing internal blockages and restoring biochemical balance. Experienced therapists seem to be able to recognize indications of stressful character problems based on typical signs of a mineral salt deficiency.

For Manganum sulfuricum, excessive stress and overexertion without regard for one’s own physical limits are considered risks for a deficiency in Schuessler Salt No. 17. People who struggle to set boundaries and resign themselves to draining circumstances are said to excessively deplete their manganese sulfate stores.

In the lives of these individuals, joy and ease seem to be rather rare. A fluctuation between depressive moods and agitation is often observed. To replenish the manganese sulfate depot, efforts should be made to avoid taxing behaviours as much as possible.

Signs of deficiency that show in the face

A knowledgeable naturopath searches the patient’s face for signs of a deficiency in Manganum sulfuricum. Signs of such deficiency include:

  • Cracked corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis)
  • Pale skin
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Fan-shaped, brownish-ocher to brownish-black discolourations at the outer corner of the eyes towards the temples

Additional important information

Manganese sulfate is usually combined with the following base substances: Calcium phosphoricum, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kalium phosphoricum, Magnesium phosphoricum, and Natrium chloratum.

A deficiency in Manganum sulfuricum is believed to be exacerbated mainly by extreme and high-performance sports, stress, carbohydrate-rich diet, and diabetes.


Manganum sulfuricum is mainly used internally. Schuessler Salt No. 17 can be used in potency D6 or D12.

Internal applications

Manganese sulfate tablets in potencies D6 or D12 are supposed to dissolve slowly in the mouth so that the minerals can be directly absorbed through the oral mucosa. Several tablets should be sucked individually at intervals of about five minutes. As with all supplementary salts, it is advised against dissolving the tablets in hot water (as with the “Hot 7,” Schuessler Salt No. 7).

In cases of iron deficiency, Manganum sulfuricum is often given as an alternate or intermediate remedy with Ferrum phosphoricum – six to ten tablets of Ferrum phosphoricum D3 followed by one to three tablets of Manganum sulfuricum D6. Naturopaths recommend long-term intake when rebuilding the iron balance is desired. In osteoporosis, the combination of Manganum sulfuricum D12 with Natrium chloratum No. 8 can support bone mineralisation.

External application

An external application of Manganum sulfuricum in the form of a poultice is possible.

Related Posts for No. 17 – Manganum sulfuricum – The salt of improved oxygen in tissues