Important: Kalium sulfuricum is the salt for the third and final stage of inflammation. Also when the illness has become chronic.

Recommended Potency: D6 – D12


Schuessler Salt No. 6, Kalium sulfuricum (potassium sulfate), is believed, according to Schuessler’s teachings, to serve as an oxygen carrier and promote cell renewal. It is recommended for persistent ailments and a sluggish metabolism.

Kalium sulfuricum No. 6 is the mineral that facilitates the transfer of oxygen from the blood into the cells. Therefore, it is associated with issues that involve an increased need for fresh air, such as asthma and claustrophobia.

In the late afternoon, nature reduces oxygen production, which horses with a deficiency in Kalium sulfuricum particularly feel, potentially causing them to become restless or clingy. Kalium sulfuricum No. 6 is necessary when an illness reaches its third stage. At this stage, toxins that have accumulated in the cells need to be detoxified, which is primarily facilitated by the sulfur component of Kalium sulfuricum.

The outermost layer of the skin, the epidermis, is formed by Calcium fluoratum and Kalium sulfuricum. When Kalium sulfuricum molecules are depleted from the epidermis, skin flakes form. Kalium sulfuricum also plays a role in pigmentation and, in conjunction with Cuprum arsenicosum D 12, determines the intensity of the colour of the coat, mane, and tail.

Kalium sulfuricum is prevalent in the upper layers of mucous membranes. A deficiency leads to catarrh with brownish-yellow mucus. Additionally, this mineral is crucial for digestion and serves as the main operational substance for the pancreas. It also supports the liver and thereby aids metabolism and other digestive functions.

When muscles experience oxygen deficiency due to strenuous activity, leading to the release of lactic acid between muscle fibres (muscle soreness), Kalium sulfuricum combined with No. 9 – Natrium phosphoricum are the appropriate remedies.

Kalium sulfuricum Nr. 6 plays an additional role in skin pigmentation. It is considered a functional substance of the pancreas and is thought to be involved in the production of the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin. Proponents of Schuessler salts recommend Schuessler-Salz Nr. 6 as a liver and metabolic remedy, as well as for bodily detoxification.

Kalium sulfuricum and inflammations

Kalium sulfuricum is used where inflammation is present in the “third stage,” which refers to conditions like coughs or similar complaints that have persisted for several days. During this phase, the body begins its natural regeneration process. According to Schuessler’s healing principles, Kalium sulfuricum supports these healing processes.

Schuessler-Salt Nr. 6 for the Skin

The potential involvement of Kalium sulfuricum in cell renewal is utilised by naturopaths to address skin issues. For instance, Schuessler-Salz Nr. 6 is recommended for inflammatory skin conditions such as rosacea. It is also suggested to aid in hair and nail growth problems.

When the concentrations of Kalium sulfuricum in cells are depleted, according to Schuessler’s teachings, reserves in the pancreas are utilised.

The Mode of Action

Kalium sulfuricum is a very slow-acting mineral that profoundly influences the body. It promotes metabolism, particularly the transfer of oxygen into the cells. It facilitates thorough detoxification, reaching deep into the cells.



Kalium sulfuricum is recommended for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Inflammations of the mucous membranes, even with a chronic course (in the stomach, intestines, throat, and connective tissue)
  • Migratory rheumatic pains
  • Liver burden due to toxins
  • Chronic rhinitis
  • Melancholy and anxiety (to support medical treatment)
  • All skin and liver diseases (as a basic remedy)
  • Disturbances in hair and nail growth
  • Psoriasis (to support medical treatment)
  • Chronic ear inflammation

Ointments / cremes etc

  • Persistent chronic rhinitis (as a nasal ointment)
  • Severe skin diseases (like psoriasis and neurodermatitis) to support medical treatment
  • Nail growth disorders
  • Supporting treatment for purulent skin eruptions and sticky scaling of the skin
  • Supporting treatment for all chronic skin diseases and poorly healing wounds

Signs of Deficiency and Functional Disorders

Kalium sulfuricum is a mineral in the Schüßler salts that serves as a slow-acting oxygen carrier and promotes cellular renewal. It is particularly used when metabolic processes are sluggish or obstructed, especially in chronic cases.

Signs of Deficiency

  • Increased need for fresh air
  • Worsening of symptoms in humid air
  • Claustrophobia
  • Brownish-yellow mucus on the tongue or secreted by mucous membranes

Key Functions

  • Alongside Ferrum phosphoricum Nr. 3, it is essential for oxygen transfer. While Ferrum phosphoricum transports oxygen in the blood, Kalium sulfuricum retains oxygen in the cells.
  • Facilitates thorough detoxification, reaching deep into cells.
  • Promotes regular cell renewal.

Common Uses

  • Used for sluggish metabolic functions, particularly in stubborn cases.
  • Effective in addressing hidden deficiencies where symptoms are not immediately obvious.
  • Recommended for conditions like:
  • Asthma: Promotes better oxygen transfer to alleviate breathing issues.
  • Claustrophobia: Especially useful for animals showing anxiety in confined spaces.
  • Skin Issues: Treats dandruff, skin diseases caused by humidity, pigmentation spots, moles, and psoriasis.
  • Muscle Aches: Helps with muscle soreness and recovery.
  • Digestive Problems: Addresses issues like intestinal yeast infections and neurodermatitis.


Animals that have experienced severe trauma in the past may develop existential fears, including claustrophobia. In such cases, Calcium phosphoricum Nr. 2 can also be beneficial. As prey animals, horses inherently dislike confinement, so this should always be considered during treatment.

Schuessler Salt Deficiency and Psychological Causes

Schuessler-Salz No. 6, Kalium sulfuricum, is believed to have effects on the psyche. According to Dr. Schuessler’s theory, compulsive personality traits play a crucial role in the development of deficiencies. A deficit in Schuessler-Salz No. 6 is thought to arise particularly in individuals who are unable to meet their own needs.

Constant concern with fulfilling others’ expectations leads to excessive attention to the world and the lives of others. Over time, this drains the necessary strength and energy, depleting Kalium sulfuricum from the cells.

Deficiency symptoms may manifest as fatigue and lethargy, as well as sadness and a tendency towards depressive moods. Those who feel confined in large crowds or small spaces or believe they are suffering from a lack of air might have a Kalium sulfuricum deficiency.

According to Dr. Schuessler’s concept, the concentration of Kalium sulfuricum will regulate itself when one focuses on personal needs and lives according to their own desires, independent of others’ expectations.

However, specific deficiency symptoms should not automatically lead to conclusions about problematic personality traits.

It is also incorrect to believe that taking a mineral salt can simply “heal” a compulsive character. Instead, administering the appropriate salt for a potential deficiency is meant to facilitate individuals’ work on their compulsions and problems by dissolving internal blockages and restoring biochemical balance.

Diagnosing Deficiency through Facial Analysis

Using facial analysis, therapists can assess what the individual lacks. The following signs in the face indicate a deficiency in Schüßler-Salz No. 6:

  • Yellowish-brown tinted skin, especially on the chin and around the eyes
  • Yellowish secretions (such as nasal discharge)
  • Pigment spots

Application of Kalium sulfuricum

Kalium sulfuricum, Schüßler-Salz No. 6, can be used both internally and externally.

Internal Use of Kalium sulfuricum

The internal use of Kalium sulfuricum is generally recommended in the D6 potency. The number of Kalium sulfuricum D6 tablets you should take daily depends on the severity of the deficiency. According to the Chinese organ clock, the recommended time for taking Kalium sulfuricum D6 is after 5 PM, when it appears to be most effective.

External Use of Kalium sulfuricum

Kalium sulfuricum D6 is applied externally in the form of ointments or cream gels. Depending on the therapist’s recommendation, it should be applied thinly to the affected areas of the body two to three times a day.

The additional intake of Natrium sulfuricum, Schuessler-Salz No. 10, is recommended when using Kalium sulfuricum to help expel toxins from the body.


Kalium sulfuricum is the salt for the third stage of inflammation. When this homeopathic remedy is used for headaches, toothaches, or limb pain, these symptoms can worsen in enclosed spaces, in warm environments, and towards the evening. Improvement is only felt outdoors, in cool air.

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