Dear Anna Marciniak

Day 7 – Today I feel a lot of pain in my lower back, I just was so happy to feel the ease that seemed to have settled in particularly my lower back and hips. Even though I have not done any physical work that would indicate that I have done too much, the pain is strong and it feels like it traps that area again, trying to lock it into a certain state it was before. Is there a specific BodyMarc exercise that I could do to help this transition?

I observe that I feel guilty that I am not doing better. I observe an emotion that there could be a punishment because I am not doing it perfect. I observe it triggers a reflex that want me to run away from it all. I observe there is a voice saying you will fail again, you are not good enough.

I understand that I best soothe myself knowing that this is part of the process, things will come up and out.

Thank you for holding the space for this transition to occur. 

My best wishes to you Anna 
Anna Marciniak Hello Petra Webstein thank you for the update. Many tensions, also very physical ones connected with the body will be released during this process. You can feel now that any restriction, any tension even such light one as connected with eating has a real representation/ makes a real stamp in the body. Support your body to release all these tensions, with gentleness, understanding and by giving yourself opportunities to rest more during the days when you feel more pain or weaker.